4/13/2011 03:13:00 p. m.
In order to continue working to give the tumaqueña community better life, dignifying the spaces for students to develop their activities, the Municipal Administration made an agreement with the NGO Action Against Hunger which allowed the construction of health units with their respective wastewater treatment plant in the mixed Citadel Educational Institution Provenir branch which directly benefited 245 children. It is noteworthy that the Wastewater Treatment Plant which the sanitary units have lessen the degree of environmental pollution, This given that the municipal administration has developed a great job towards improving the health conditions and Habitat of tumaco´s population, there lies that the strategic alliance with the ACF is very important. Juliana Ruiz, Coordinator of Regional Action Against Hunger Nariño, highlighted the strong support for the Administration of Dr. Neftali Correa Diaz gave the project which allowed them to work in an agile manner thereby contributing positively to improving the environment of the institution providing students with adequate facilities in which they can meet their physical needs with dignity. For her part, Maria Emilsen Angulo Guevara, deputy Mayor Officer, indicated that the project presented by ACF to the Municipal Administration through which students today in the mixed Citadel Educational Institution Provenir branch have
excellent snitary units was endorsed positively since it is framed in actions that allow a positive development of the population in terms of basic sanitation which are articulated in the Municipal Development Plan "Tumaco Our Inclusive and Social Passion." Javier Delgado, Principal of the Colombia mixed Citadel Educational Institution, thanked the NGO Action Against Hunger and Local government for its achievements which allow children to have excellent health conditions that significantly improvements of the quality of life and allows students to move forward in a positive way in order to make Tumaco the most educated of the Pacific.
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