Con presencia de funcionarios de la Alcaldía Municipal, Funpaz y las comunidades afectadas, se socializo proyecto de construcción de las viviendas que iniciara en la presente semana.
La socialización de proyecto de obra de vivienda que beneficiara a las comunidades afectadas por el desbordamiento del Rio Mira en el 2009, hoy se hace realidad, alrededor de 120 familias tendrán una vivienda con las características básicas y los servicios que les permitirán mejorar notoriamente su calidad de vida, el proceso que inicio desde el momento que se originó la emergencia por medio de la gestión de la Administración Municipal.
In order to ensure that new generations know the hitory of the pearl of the Pacific, the Municipal Administration is working on a project to compile a book of experiences and events that have historically marked the Puerto Nariño since the mid twentieth century to the present . The proposal called "Rebuilding Our Footprints" was initially socialized with the principals of educational institutions of the city and will be extended to all sectors of tumaqueña society since the goal is to ensure that the events are narrated from the experience of those directly or indirectly have been protagonists. Aníbal Obando, Advisor to the Secretary of Education said: "Rebuilding Our Footprints" actively involves all sectors of tumaqueña society and the cultural sector also plays an important role taking into account that culture includes customs, practices, codes, standards and rules of the manner, dress, religion, rituals, among others that make human beings develop their critical ability to discern the values to express self-awareness to recognize. The officer highlighted that it is necessary that all sectors of society get involved in this process that wil culmínate with a written report. Tumaco history told from the experience of the protagonist will be given as a gift to the city in its 371 years. For his part, Specialist Carlos Ortiz, Principal of the institution Popular Technical Education Institute of the Cost ITPC said the project is of great importance to the tumaqueña community who feel identified with the initiative put forward by the Mayor Neftali Diaz Correa who consider that it will enable children, youth and adults know more about the history of their city and it will encourage all sectors of the tumaqueña community to generate contributions to help strengthen the research process with stories, photos and more. All contributions will be reflected by recognition of those who support the process.
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